Wednesday 11 May 2011

adventures in dehydration

so my food dehydrator arrived on sunday ,an i've been engaged in some serious preservation since, i've just been playing around with different stuff like meat , fruit ,berries , haven't tried any veggies except for tomatos (yeah yeah ,i know its a fruit smartarse)
the main reason i got this bad boy was to make jerky, paleo style,
dehdration is the oldest form of food preservation , it removes the moisture from the food , which stops bacteria forming,but it doesn't remove any of the nutritional value like cooking does. meat will keep for 2 months after dehydrating, up to 2 years if you vacuum seal it !!
(vacuum sealer is next on the list:)))
fruit and veg will keep nearly twice as long-amazing
you can even rehydrate food at a later date by soaking in hot water, think soup mix.
first project-banana ready to go

finished banana-chewy and delicious

homemade sundried tomatos anyone?

first attempt at beef jerky
i used chilli powder, cumin, paprika, pepper and cider vinegar
spicy and delicious

finished product

turkey jerky ready to go
added extra chilli to this

banana and apple fruity crisps -amazing

finished turkey jerky-this didn't last too long :)
i'm having so  much fun with this puppy , i'm just eating everything as soon as its dehydrated, not much actual preserving going on:)

when the harvest in the garden is ready , the dehydrator will come in handy for any excess fruit and veg.


  1. thats some heston blumenthal shit right there

  2. i love it jody.. where did you get the food hydrator?? im thinking i want one... Also is the jerky just strips of thin turkey and beef??
    Cheers x

  3. Wow, lovely piece of kit, well done buddy... so I guess you will be providing the crew on a reg basis then. 'smiley face x10'
