Friday 6 May 2011

day 25-backwards running hurts!

got up at 0900-
had an espresso  and then went to the park to do a wod:
the workout was
"GRIFF" - check it out here

then i did the gymnastics wod: check it here

breakfast/ post workout meal:
2 mancakes with a dollop of homemade almond butter

then went rock climbing with my bro in ucd  indoor wall ,
did about 2 hours climbing , such a great workout in itself , really fried my arms out ,

after that at about 1500: had lunch in danny's house ,
which consisted of a beautiful mussel and prawn stirfry with courgettes and brocolli and lots of chilli OUCH! and 3 delicious mancakes with stewed apple for desert YUM!

when i went home there was some diced lamb in the fridge that had to be eaten so i whipped that into a frying pan with some delicious cumin and courgettes and whole baby tomatoes- so delicious !

i was grazing on fruit all day too .
oh and i had a herring fillet and some nuts straight after climbing :)


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