Wednesday 4 May 2011

guess what , fat doesn't make you fat !!

its been over 3 weeks now and i can already come to a few conclusions about the paleolithic diet ,

for years we've been told a whole host of lies, the worst of which are

  • eating fat will make you fat , 
  • cholesterol is bad ,
  • eating starchy foods like grains ,beans and potatoes is necessary for energy, 
even after just 3 weeks of this it is plain to me that fat in your diet is not what makes you fat because my fat intake has gone through the roof yet i still continue to lose body fat, 

on the contrary , it seems to be starchy carbohydrate and sugar that piles on the body fat and this is achieved through insulin , the bodies storage hormone ,
every time we eat something starchy (think grains ,beans potatoes and sugar), our blood glucose spikes , the pancreas releases insulin to bring the blood glucose levels back down , 
but in order to bring the actual glucose levels down , it must do something with it , and what it does is basically put it into storage as fat! this would be great if you were a caveman that only got his hands on the odd bit of starch every now and again but not if you are a couch potato (no pun intended) that slugs a litre of coke every day and lives on chocolate and take aways. ye dig?

cholesterol - the problem with cholesterol is that when they test your levels , they dont distinguish between HDL(good) cholesterol, and LDL(bad) cholesterol , 
so if your levels are "HIGH" they just tell you have high cholesterol and you need to lower it , but here's the messed up thing - HDL actually reduces your LDL and effectively cancels it out , it also "hoovers" up triglyceride in your arteries and guards AGAINST heart disease!

so one type of cholesterol is bad but the other is really good.

and these starchy foods that are supposed to be absolutely necessary for energy production?
yeah, i haven't touched any of them for over 3 weeks and my energy levels are through the roof ! 
surely i should be dead by now or at least very weak and sick,
as a good friend of mine always says :
and this paleo pudding tastes good so far :)

stay savoury ,
do as yuk yuk would

paleo joe


  1. Interesting stuff there man. The problem is I'm irish and i love a few spuds or pasta. is it costing you much to eat this diet? I'd say just obtaining foods with no sugar and starch is difficult enough is it? I could do with cutting my own carbs dow myself. have shocking will power though.

    Fair play to you by the way!


  2. thanks for reading brother

    thats the problem everyone has man , giving up the sugar, pasta, spuds and bread is a total alien thing to do for a most people, we've been conditioned to believe that we need them.
    sugar is the main culprit ,take it a step at a time , kick the sugar and see how you feel.
    i've noticed that the weekly shop has gone up slightly , not much though as we already eat lots of fresh fruit and veg, and the benefits make it worth every penny for me.
    it is difficult to get anything in a normal shop thats paleo friendly , its strange walking into a spar and realising that EVERYTHING in the whole place is bad for you , except maybe a few bits of fruit tucked away in the corner:)
