Wednesday 4 May 2011

guess who bought a food dehydrator??

just ordered a food dehydrator , these babies are amazing , you can preserve meat, frut, and all types of wonderfull stuff in them,
and if you vacuum pack it or seal it in airtight jars , it will keep for up to two years!! 
im gonna make some jerky baby yeah!!
we planted a load of fruit trees and bushes last year , so we're expecting a big harvest this year, apples ,pears, plums,cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, yellow raspberries, 

hopefully there'll be enough that we'll need to dehydrate a shit load :)

Stockli Dehydrator with Stainless Steel Trays & Timerill keep you guys updated on how it goes.

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