Wednesday 4 May 2011

day 24

had a good day today , 
did two workouts , 

hit a short metcon  at 1100 -


overhead squats @ 42.5 kg
8 minutes 14 seconds

it is named "jeremy",  after a kid that died a few years back , his parents were crossfitters ,
i tried to keep that in mind as i was training and hit it as hard as i could for the little guy,
i felt slightly low on energy though , my legs are still abit fried from sunday! i cant believe how hard that wod hit me.

then at  1230 i did 5 x 5 front squats ( 5 sets of 5 reps, increasing the weight each time to try hit a max on the last set) heres the numbers for each set 
  1. 75kg
  2. 77.5kg
  3. 80 kg
  4. 82.5kg
  5. 85kg 
this is a new personal best for me so i'm happy as a pig in shit :)

breakfast : 2 eggs , half a melon , blueberries , and milled flaxseed , 3 sea kelp ,6 fish oil

lunch : half a kilo of prawns and a massive bowl of salad,3sea kelp , 5 fish oil
plus 3 mandarins and a few spoons of almond butter (yummy)

did 14 rounds of tabata sprints with the sandbaggers  - hardcore 

supper : 
turkey burger and a half a pineapple with 2 mandarins and two mancakes with blueberries ,strawberries and  a dollop of homemade almond butter (recipe coming up soon) 

amazingness .

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