Wednesday 11 May 2011

halfway point-

30 days down, and feelin goood! :) still haven't cracked. yuk yuk's spirit is strong.

on saturday , i was on 24 hour duty , the food they give you when your on these duties is real filth ! even for a non paleo warrior, so i had to bring a full 24 hours worth of food with me ,
i cooked up 4 chicken breasts , half a fillet of ham(250 grams), a shit load of fruit , a tub of nuts and dried berries, and a load of coffee(the good stuff)

on top of all this , i also ate 12 eggs and more fruit that i got from the kitchen(2pears 2bananas an apple)
:) some pile of food eh? definitely got my five a day in anyway:)

its just boredom on these duties, nothing better to do than eat.

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