Wednesday 4 May 2011

day 23- lazy day

im still pretty broken up from the workout in waterford on sunday!!
legs are actually a good bit sorer today than yesterday:)
thats the way it goes , back on the wagon tomorrow for some hardcore training , pain or no pain.
but today i decided to have a "deloading day" which involved staying in bed till 1100 ,and basically doing nothing but watching the chicago code , watering the garden, reading , walking the wolf and of course , eating:

for brunch i had a 3 egg omelette with peppers ,tomatos ,mushrooms ,olives , and smoked salmon,

i put half the smoked salmon on the omelette and ate the other half while it was cooking :)

at 1500 i put a chicken in the oven , cooked nice and simple- just shove a lemon up its arse and roast it for an hour and a half, took the dog for a walk while it was cooking and then put on some steamed brocolli and carrots , and fried some asparagus which i ate along with the chicken( two wings, 1 leg and a breast).
for desert i had a hunters cup with raspberries and milled flaxseed and goji berries

later on i finished off the chicken and had two mancakes with raspberries and apple slices

so i pretty much did nothing all day but sleep , eat and sit around , best deloading day ever.

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