Sunday 15 May 2011

every victory deserves a failure :)

ok , i'm just going to come out with it , i've let yuk yuk down , after my 3rd place in the crossfit comp yesterday , i had a massive celebration fatty feast,
i had a snack box from the chipper , (oh the shame)
and THEN: i went to the cinema and got a bag of popcorn and some ben and jerry's ice cream , (im sorry yuk yuk, but where were you when i needed you most?)

i know i fucked up , but it was soooooo good :) and soooo worth it.

in loren cordains book "the paleo diet for athletes" he recommends eating some starchy goodness after a hard event because your cells need to recoup their glycogen stores -
anyone buying this bullshit ?
didn't think so :)
ha ha not to worry i'm back on the wagon now
no more.
i promise :)


  1. U absolutely deserved it im mega proud of u xxxx

  2. Congrats Bro!
    You woulda kicked Yuk Yuk's ass if he had a problem with your lapse (Reward!)
