Sunday 22 May 2011


so the dare adventure race went pretty excllent, just found out we got 5th place out of over 200 teams !!!
and i haven't cycled a bike or ran over 3 km in the last 3 months!! crossfit rocks!

so nutrition-wise i changed things up a bit from the original plan ,  i tried the mix with protein in and it was a bit to thick for in race , so i axed the pro and just went with the glucose and electrolytes, which worked pretty well , although my legs started cramping seriously bad after running up the 16 flights of stairs in liberty hall , which also came after a 3k run and a 20 k cycle, (it was the cycle that destroyed my legs) i was definitly taking in enough carbs ,water , and electrolytes so the only reason for the cramps is muscle fatigue, basically i needed to do more long distance conditioning before the race, but this was an experiment to see how well we could do with just crossfitting  and nothing else, and it went pretty well if i do say so myself,
a brief synopsis:
we started off from the rds running , collected two checkpoints along the way and collected our bikes in sandymount green, then we cycled at full tilt across the east link and through east wall , up the coast to the wooden bridge where we hit another check point ,then down the beach to the "assault course" which was the lamest joke ever, the hardest part of which was getting sand in my runners (epic fail bootcamp ireland@! ) , then back on the bikes across the coast road and up to raheny where we took a left down the howth road(eamo and niall whizzing along on their sleek road bikes and me trundling along in tow on my mountain bike :()

then down through marino for another check point and on to croke park , back up sherrif street and across beccet bridge to grand canal dock for 2 km kayaking,  during which eamonn and niall in their 2 man, managed to ram about 3 boats ,including mine :)
then onto the orienteering section which had us running\limping  all over town including many landmarks- trinity, graftonstreet, o'connell street, merrion square, smithfield, dublin castle to mention a few,
towards the end we ran into danny and marco aka team "better late than never"(9th place finish!!!)
 ,  and the five of us hobbled back to grand canal dock to get our bikes and cycled across the finish line as a five man wolf pack:) love you guys!
marco had his gps tracking and we travelled over 53 km during the race!!

in retrospect , it was a great experience but i think in future i will do a bit more specific training on top of my crossfit when going for an event of this type , just to save myself the severe pain of those cramps-not nice-lesson learned!

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