Sunday 17 April 2011

caveman 101 - the hunt (also known as shopping)

if you watch a pack of wolves hunting a herd of prey animals , you will notice that they tend to stick to the perimeter of the herd, rarely do they venture into the main body of the herd unless they see an exceptional opportunity, generally they wait for a weak or injured animal to present itself and then they pounce, this is natures way-- the wolves run less chance of getting injured ,they use less energy and they eradicate the weak strain from the herd -  thereby making the prey species stronger in the long run.

That is natural selection!

you can also apply these principles to your weekly grocery  shopping  - (please read on before going to the supermarket and taking out a granny or a person on crutch's :)

all of the perishable food is kept in the outside ailse's  of the supermarket ,they do this because they need to replenish this stock frequently as it goes off (as real food should)
the further you delve into the interior ailses , the more preservatives and sugar and processed crap you will come across,
so stick to the perimeter - fruit, veg ,meat and fish
then quickly dart in for toilet roll ,detergent ,floor cleaner , and other unedible stuffs, just dont look left or right in case  the sugar demons get you :)
good hunting.
remember yuk yuk is with you.

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