Thursday 28 April 2011

today was a feast of culinary delights in the man cave,
for breakfast i had  the fabulous hunters cup with milled almonds blueberries and a drizzle of honey,along with 3 boiled eggs, 5 fish oils and 3 sea kelp

went training at 12 and did
1 rep max back squat followed by a met con which i like to call GOAT WOD
in the crossfit world ,a goat is something you're shit at , sometimes i like to take a few crossfit skills that i suck at (lord knows theres enough of them),and put them together into a wod(workout of the day)--
todays GOAT WOD consisted of :
3 handstand push ups ,
10 one legged squats demo
30 double unders demo

10 minute A.M.R.A.P. (as many rounds as possible)

i hit 122.5 kg on the back squat and did 7 rounds even on the met con
happy enough considering this is my third day in a row hitting double wods.

pwo consisted of :
one salmon tail and a pile of salad (spinach ,cucumber , carrot , tomato,--all the good stuff),a banana,two mandarins
plus 3 sea kelp

over the last few days i have gotten talking to a guy in work who owns a poultry farm and he is going to sort me out with beautifull organic duck and hen eggs from now on HELL YEAH!!
got a taster off him today -4 bantam(midget) chicken eggs which i duly devoured as soon as i got back to the cave and they were amazing ,so freakin tasty .im pumped up about getting these eggs on the regular.

the eggs kept me going till about half six when my ratatoille was done , this was enjoyed a la 2 sea bass fillets, cooked cooked by aoife like only she can cook em .with a juicy parsley and  olive oil dressing , scrummy!

and now for the piece de la resistance _ BIG DADDIES PALEO BANANA FRITTERS!

they dont look too great but they taste like paleo heaven - believe me!--recipe to follow

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