Monday 11 April 2011

day 1- the beginning

ok  here we go,
i have been eating paleo (ish) for the last few months, but i always allow myself cheat days and cheat meals ,(3 cheat meals or 1 cheat day per week)where i eat whatever i want, but most of the time a cheat meal turns into a cheat day ,and a cheat day turns into a cheat week;-)
anyhoo, the main reason behind this blog is that i tend to fool myself , and by recording everything here i have full accountability and transparency, i.e. i cant lie to myself.
also the subject of diet and nutrition has started to show its face around the ronin crossfit/sandbagging  campfire, and this blog may provide some kind of reference/motivation to anyone flirting with the idea of trying the paleolithic style of nutrition.
my paleo challenge will last 60  days- for the duration of which i wilhl eat only - meat,vegetables,berries,nuts and seeds,little starch and no sugar.
if you feel like jumping on board for a leg of my journey,i would be honoured to have , be it for a day ,a week or whatever, give it a try and see how you feel. or just log on and laugh at me trying to fight temptation;-)
either way  i appreciate the support.


  1. Good man, Jody. If Yuk-Yuk was still alive he'd probably have some tips for you ;-)

  2. Good man, sounds like a challenge alright - i'm currently a carb-addict myself and have a serious coffee habit. Keep the progress noted mate, be interesting reading.

  3. Jody i would be interested in joining you... just wondering will you be posting your meals to assist us??

    Good on you x

  4. Good to hear from you guys
    @Dave - yuk yuk is and will remain my inspiration, when I'm feeling down and the Carb demons are clawing at my door, I know yuk yuks. Spirit will guide me.

    @ Ian and Claire
    Great to have you guys on board, I will be posting my meals and all of my food induced emotions, so if you can handle my bitching, read on, and remember - sugar is the enemy;-)

  5. ur really insane but i still loves ya

  6. Best of luck bro,
    As soon as i get somewhere stable to eat and cook for a month or two i'll be following in yer footsteps.

    Stay strong, and like He-Man....You Have the Power!

  7. Where's all the manners I taught ya gone????? just saw the photo of the slaughtered chicken.
