Friday 22 April 2011

a little story about carbohydrate

long ago ,
in a time called the paleolithic , there lived a little fella called yuk yuk,
every day, yuk yuk would take his bow and arrow and go hunting ,just the way his ancestors had done since the yellow god in the sky had first blessed the earth with his light,
often on the hunt , yuk yuk and his fellow hunters would walk a long way from the village , sometimes tracking their prey for days before they ever caught sight of them. 
along the way , they would forage and pick whatever fruit nuts and seeds they could find on the trees and bushes, this would keep them nourished and give them short term energy until they could get a kill,

when (or if) they got a kill they would eat the organ meat first (spleen ,liver, kidneys etc) along with the fattiest cuts of meat, they would crack the bones and suck the marrow,

yuk yuk and his people had lived this way for generations , and thrived.

but unknown to them , a new age was dawning , known as the neolithic era,

people had realised that instead of hunting ,they could take young animals and keep them in an enclosure and let them grow big and fat , then they could kill and eat the animal at their leisure,
all good so far but here's the problem , they also figured how to process  sources of carbohydrate known as grain, beans and potatoes (uh oh) to make them digestible, 
the great thing about these foods  was that they were really easy to grow ,but best of all , they could be stored for a very long time , and eaten whenever they were needed, amazing right ?


the reason that they could be stored for so so long is because they contain toxins called lectins,
this is also the reason that they needed to be processed, to remove the toxins so that they wouldnt make humans sick, 
Grains, Beans and Potatoes share the following important characteristics:

· They are all toxic when raw- there is no doubt about this- it is a fact that no competent source would dispute- they can be extremely dangerous and it is important never to eat them raw or undercooked.
 · Cooking destroys most but not all of the toxins. Insufficient cooking can lead to sickness such as acute gastroenteritis.
· They are all rich sources of carbohydrate, and once cooked this is often rapidly digestible-giving a high glycemic index (sugar spike).
· They are extremely poor sources of vitamins (particularly vitamins A, B-group, folic acid and C), minerals,and antioxidants 
diets high in grains beans and potatoes:
· Contain toxins in small amounts
· Have a high glycemic index (ie have a similar effect to raw sugar on blood glucose levels)
· Are low in many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytosterols- ie they are the original "empty calories"

yuk yuk is a fictional character created by my cousin dave, but sadly, the rest of the story is true, take a look at any food pyramid, what is the base of the whole thing? yep you got it : grains beans and potatoes - at least 6 - 8 servings a day , madness!

do yourself a favour, cut the grains ,beans and potatoes,and replace them with vegetables fruits and berries you'll feel the difference, i promise

coming soon : starchy carbs, syndrome x , insulin and diabetes,dairy products

good hunting ,
do as yuk yuk would
the "normal" food pyramid

the paleo food pyramid

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