Wednesday 13 April 2011


A new addition to the cave this morning courtesy of my primal homie marco- paleo pancakes,  from now on to be known as MANCAKES! !!
these babies are amazing. They fill you right up and they taste like heaven!
Recipe :
1 large free range egg,
1 large fair trade banana,
7 almonds- (the original recipe was a tbl spoon of almond butter but this works perfectly)

Stick it all in the blender, heat up a pan, put in some olive oil or a knob of butter,pour in the "batter ", keep em small as they're quite fragile, 3 small is better than one big. Throw in a few blueberries, thinly sliced apple is great too, let them cook for a few minutes before you disturb them,flip them over,  brown them off and voila!!! MANCAKES in ma belly.
Washed down with  3 sea kelp, 2 b12 and a stiff coffee,  uga buga!

1 comment:

  1. Hi buddy, eamo here, just to let u know, as a superfriend ill be waiting patiently by the cookie jar, and the take away menus to supervise---the second you deviate-BAAAMMMM! Facebook will be updated by ME, your fellow mancake eatin superfriend!
