Monday 11 April 2011

end of day one - the last supper

hit a wod(workout of the day ) in the park with the sandbag crew- hit a new PR(personal record) on fran (a crossfit benchmark workout ) 4 mins 29 secs ,HELL YEAH!!
then aoife made me a tasty omelette with the 3 remaining chicken sticks ,2 eggs ,5 baby tomatoes and some basil,
this was quickly devoured with a bunch o grapes and a bananner.
plus 3 sea kelp and an espresso.
day one ends well ,no slip ups ,one moment of weakness ,but yuk yuk got me through that one :-)

here's a good video for anyone whos interested paleo in a nutshell


  1. is that 12 sea kelp's in a day? I think mine says dosage: 2 or 3 a day.
    You're gonna turn into a squid!
