Tuesday 19 April 2011

the problem with red meat

i've come to realise that beef and other "heavy" red meats are quite hard to digest and they tend to leave me feeling a bit bloated and heavy , which is something i havent had since i started this caveman diet 
(i generally feel really light and unfull,in a good way) , after some research and pondering ,i've come to the realisation that modern day beef bears little resemblance to the wild buffalo or bison that our paleolithic brethren would have hunted and killed,

the problem lies in the domestication of these wild beasts and the fact that they are now bred for weight,(as this is how the farmer makes his money), this means that the flesh of a modern cow contains  a hell of a lot more fat than its wild equivalent, and this is mostly saturated trans fats (bad bad bad) ,even the fillet steak with all visible fat removed contains way more saturates than wild meat,

also , the majority of the fat found in game (wild) meat is polyunsaturated  omega 3 and 6 (good good good) , i will research this more and get back to you guys 
in the meantime ,i think i will lay off the beef , hit the chicken and fish more and keep that beautiful light feeling that makes me happy to be a modern day caveman ;)
good hunting , do as yuk yuk would