Saturday 30 April 2011

day 20 - a third of the way in

well well well, 20 down ,40 to go, no bothers so far ,
feeling pretty good over all and i am definitely losing a shit load of body fat,
i've been training hard for years now but i always seemed to carry a small bit of fat that i culdn't seem to get rid of , i just assumed that i was "one of those people" who's abdominal muscles weren't prominent or something.
turns out the thing i was neglecting was diet ,
removing grains ,beans, and potato's along with sugar and processed food has made all the difference,
the first little protruding muscles on my stomach are a testament to that :-)
and that seems to be the least of it ,i wake up fresher , i feel happier , i taste my food more, i don't get constipated, i've been performing better in my wods, the list goes on.

roll on the next 40!

todays food

3 duck eggs , coffee,3 sea kelp, 5fish oil

12 prawns in chilli lemon coriander and garlic
a grapefruit

lunch 2
a delicious omelette cooked by my good friend elmo, lots of veg ,salmon and asparagus, thanks brah:-)

 fillet steak with steamed broccoli and carrots
snacks - a handfull of dates and some paleo treats in eamos

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