Thursday 28 April 2011

paleo breakfast-Hunters cup

Neccesity is the mother of invention,
Here's a little brekky treat I came up with, its really simple,  and you could probably press it into service as an after dinner treat too.
It goes like this:
Take a melon
Cut that baby in half
Shave a slice of the bottom so that it stands like a bowl
spoon out the seeds
Shovel in a tablespoon of milled seeds /nuts (linwoods)
Drizzle some honey over
Throw in a handfull of berries.
Enjoy with your chosen protein source
3 eggs in my case.


  1. what the hell is Q10 in yer seeds mix?

  2. co enzyme q 10 contributes to the production of energy in every cell in the is also a highly effective anti oxidant that assists in eliminating excess free radicals that can cause damage to cells and body tissues,

    it is produced naturally in the body but production decreases with age.

    so it says on the package anyway:_)
