Wednesday 13 April 2011

post training meal-rattatooeey :-)

just hit this wod with the ronin crossfit crew

100m sprint -1 min rest x 3
75m sprint - 1 min rest x 3
50m sprint - 1 min rest x 3
25m sprint - 1 min rest x 3

tabata sit ups and plank.

now for some much needed nutrition!! 
ratatooeey and a one o them fine turkey burgers i prepared earlier.

i prepared this and put it on before i left for training,
its a nice simple one , and freakin delicious,
theres loads of fancy recipes out there for this but i prefer the primal way - stick it all in a pot, blast it with some heat and get it down the hatch sons!!
  • one white onion (large)
  • red pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • courgette (the one that looks like a gone off cucumber)
  • aubergine ( the one that looks like a purple aliens penis)
  • 2 tins of tomatoes (no added anything)
  • chop it all up ,mince the garlic, throw it all in a large casserole dish and bang it in the oven @ 180 degrees for about an hour and a half

this'll do nicely for lunch tomorrow too :-)
im real clever me :-)

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