Saturday 23 April 2011

day 13 - a confession

going orienteering and abseiling today
breakfast -0630- 3 boiled eggs , and an unknown quantity of cooked ham that larry had left over from last night, beautiful

0930- coffee and a paleo muffin

1230- BBQ get down - lots of sausages and chicken

confession- these sausages were only 80 % pork and so- den den den - not strictly paleo- i've let myself and yuk yuk down :(
fuck it though, they tasted so gooooood and im sure the other 20% was spices and shit (thats what i'm telling myself anyway)  :)

1800- went to FIRE restaurant in town for dinner with the lovely aoife ,
          wood fired jumbo tiger prawns for starters ,
          6 oz fillet steak with asparagus on the side,had to get the chunky chips off the plate quicksmart                                before i devoured the lot (phew!)
and a double espresso to suppress the sugar demons while aoife chowed down on some tasty ice cream.

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