Friday 15 April 2011

The power omellete 1500

I love omelletes ,
So simple,  yet so refined, an omellete can be a magnificent expression of your inner personality,
Needless to say,  mine are simple and tasteless ;-)

Seriously though they are so versatile, you can't afford not to make them. Here's how I made this one:
3 eggs (we'll. Just assume they're free range from now.on k?)
Some baby spinach
4 mushrooms
Some meat (left over pork steak in this case)

Chop up the meat- stick it on the pan
Chop the mushys -stick.em on the pan
Chop the spinach real fine- in a bowl
Crack the eggs in the bowl
Whip up the eggs and spinach
Pour it on top of the meat. And mushys -
Cook until its.fairly solid-state
Bang it under the grill to cook the Top
BOOM! get it in ye :-)

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