Monday 25 April 2011

day 14 - food log

breakfast-- 3 boiled eggs--4 cod liver oil tabs--2 sea kelp tabs

lunch-- superquinn cooked chicken, legs wings and some breast-- a punnet of strawberries-2 mandarins

dinner---went to SABA with aiofes mam and dad -- tough to find anything paleo friendly on the menu , the only thing's they had were chicken wings with sesame seed and honey glaze for starter, and a prawn stirfry for main, which had baby sweetcorn in it ,but i just picked that out
for dessert ,i had a lemon, honey, and ginger green tea which was nice ,
but its not nice watching people chow down on delicious ice cream and hot chocolate brownies though, yuk  yuk give me strength :)

had a slice of nuttylicious when i got home and some chicken breast later on to snack on,
made a batch of blueberry muffins with raspberries and no honey ,they aren't as addictive without the honey , but i still ate 3 :0

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