Friday 29 April 2011

day 19- liver , eggs, bon bons, hearts and a wolf!!

good day today , finished work for a week and a half  , OH YEAH!
gonna get some serious training and fun days in over the week, starting with a roadtrip  to our brothers and sisters in crossfit waterford on sunday, cant wait .

todays breakfast was 3 fried duck eggs along with hunters cup(half a melon some milled almonds and a handfull of blueberries,

at 1000 i had a grapefruit and a cup of coffee


since starting the paleo way i've been researching different cultures and foods and a recurring thing that keeps coming up is offal,
yes offal - lungs heart kidneys liver spleen .

both human and animal hunters treasured the offal above the meat ,
and the liver above all else ,
the liver is a nutritional powerhouse , packed to the hilt with vitamins , iron , and good fats.
the most powerfull lion gets the liver
the alpha wolf gets the liver
and the human that makes the kill gets the liver.

unfortunately offal has a bad rep, and being forced to eat chalky overcooked liver as a kid defo didn't help.

so today i took the plunge and bought some liver and 2 lambs hearts
i had the liver for lunch and found a lovely recipe which is different than i've ever had ,
liver stir fry

this was really tasty , i will defo  be exploring liver and organ meat in general much more in the future.

then i made some of these beauty bon bons  from the fabulous susan jane murray, i subbed the wheat grass for carob powder (thanks niamh) and the dessicated coconut for sesame seeds
i ate 4 of these and then had a massive sugar dump (from the honey) and fell asleep on the couch for an hour , hilarious!

i will definitely be exploring liver and offal much more in future , it is true caveman food !!
ps , i had no dog food so i fed the two hearts to the dog,
a cavemans gotta take care of his wolf!

she looks happy enough :-)

roll on day 20!


  1. ah bro, thats sick! but I do concur on the childhood liver flashbacks, think ill have to go give it a try again though, eatin some amount of stuff these days that i thought id never eat. Suppose thats life as ripped, tanned bastards!!!

  2. its tasty as fook bro , and cheap as a boondock whore:)
    2 hearts and a shit load of liver came in at 4 euro!!!
    the trick is to cook the liver real quick on a super high heat (literally 2 minutes)

  3. Are duck eggs better for u? Do they taste different? Aimee :)

  4. hey aimee , duck eggs have pretty much the same nutritional value as hen eggs ,except for a higher cholesterol level, dont worry though ,its mostly good cholesterol which actually helps clear bad cholesterol from your blood,
    they do taste different though, its a slightly stronger taste which i personally like , the best thing about them is that they are HUGE, which means more eggy fun for every one :-)

    i think for a vegtronic like yourself , duck eggs can be another protein source that gives you a bit of variation from the chicken eggs,tofu,quorn scenario.
